Leave that _____ today!

I am going to say this in the most diplomatic way — leave the things that no longer serve you.

I am going to say this in the most diplomatic way — leave the things that no longer serve you. It is always easier said than done though. Trust me. This is coming from someone that loves to think “it just has to get better,” and “it will change if I work though it.” I have let myself get dragged through the trenches over and over by giving something or someone a second chance. Here are some of my internal checkpoints that let me know it is time to scadaddle:

  1. Does it bring me happiness?

  2. Is there an opportunity to grow?

  3. Do I walk away feeling better or worse?

  4. What does my next chapter look like and can I take this with me?

These questions have really let me navigate hard decisions and evaluate what is important - my peace. I enjoy a challenge but do not think life should be challenging.

It is easy to go through a cycle of highs and lows caused by a relationship (of any type) and think it is normal. This can affect your mental and physical in ways you cannot even imagine. I used to be down bad (most of ya’ll were there to witness), but I grew and adjusted.

All these losses and lessons forced me to do some internal work. It has allowed me to create the questions above that let me quickly check in, not be blindsided, and recognize I need to get off the emotional rollercoaster.

Now answering these questions can result in difficult actions. No one wants to let go of a childhood friend or that person you invested so much time and love into, but it has to get done. It’s unfortunate but true. Keeping them around could lead to your peace changing into chaos.

It can be hard to let go, but trust me it is very much worth it. I can always tell that the hard decision is the right decision when I instantly feel lighter. Call it the Holy Ghost or intuition, but my spirit instantly settles. Your body and spirit should be able to let you know it is time to make a change.

Set some time aside and check-in. Look at the relationships in your life (this means how you show up in them too) and start asking yourself questions. Create your own internal checkpoints to signal when you are going in the right direction and when you need to let something go.

That’s really it. We all need peace.


I’m Leaving Here With Something.


Entering Your Late Twenties.