Entering Your Late Twenties.

Honestly someone lied, your twenties are just plain hard...

I know. I know. Turning 21 is great (but also is it really?) and graduating feels like a huge accomplishment but after 26, it starts to feel very serious. What makes it even funnier, ask someone 30 and up, and they will laugh and say you’re stressing about absolutely nothing and you have so much time left to chase your dreams.

Yet everyone knows time is fleeting. So in 2024, your twenties feel like a time to “grind.” You must constantly be working towards something. However, that something is constantly changing and once you achieve it, you just go after the next something. Never really content or intent to enjoy the moment.

You should be planning the foundation for the rest of your life. I used to ascribe to this, but then I quickly learned foundations crack. What happens if the life you planned turns out to be absolutely ridiculous? What about when you have to restart in your late twenties when everyone else seems to keep going?

Well, quite frankly, I do not know. I am experiencing both of these conundrums and have not found the answer. That’s what got me back here writing to be fair. Everyone, my whole life, has talked about how special and how much potential I had, but I think I may have oversold myself and underperformed. That’s hard to admit but that is how I feel. I feel like Issa driving Uber and living with Daniel after quitting her job. Figuring it out is not easy, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

I did not quit my job. I was fired and let me tell you, that hurts 10 times worse. I work for my sister and enjoy it but having a nagging thought it is a cop out and not deserved. My credit is shot but working to get it right back to where it was (739 🥲). I have a degree that I do not use just like most of my peers. I try to be a good Christian, but also have a healthy amount of questions. I am also trying to figure out what is my passion and how can I somehow turn it into a job. Just call me Issa Dee!

Actually, I am hoping that getting back to this passion project, this here blog thing, that I started and stopped multiple times (out of fear but we’ll address that later) will lead me to navigating this unplanned phase of life better. In doing so, maybe help someone else, or the very least give an honest experience that this is not easy.

We are both in for a treat. As much as I think this is going to be painful and hard, I have a feeling that it will actually all turn out okay...it may even turn out great.


Leave that _____ today!